Chapter 13 - The Way Forward | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)



Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Quidditch Season 2 Chapter 13 of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. Previously, you fixed things with Skye and prepared for the Quidditch Cup final. You also had the chance to meet Skye’s father, Ethan Parkin, and he helped your team train for the Quidditch final. Later on, you and your teammates played the final match, and now is the time to continue where you left off. This Chapter will follow the story of the Second Quidditch Cup adventure.


Chapter Summary:

  • Task 1: Attend the Ceremony
    • Location: Lower Level – West
  • Task 2: Go to the Common Room
    • Location: Common Room
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
    • Choice: Reply to Skye
      • That’s an understatement: +5 Courage
      • You were under pressure: +5 Empathy
  • Task 3: Meet with Penny
    • Waiting Time: 3 hours
    • Location: Clocktower Courtyard
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Choice: Tell Rath if you like it when other people compliment you
      • I love compliments!: +5 Courage
      • I feel awkward: +5 Empathy
  • Task 4: Practise with Sky
    • Waiting Time: 5 hours
    • Location: Training Grounds
    • Requirements: 8 hours – 5/5 stars
    • Quidditch Friendlies: 175 Coins (Year 2), 200 Coins (Year 3), 250 Coins (Year 4), 300 Coins (Year 6)
    • Choice: Tell Skye the reason why you wanted to exercise
      • It was Rath’s idea: +5 Knowledge
      • To spend time with you: +5 Empathy
      • To prepare for next season: +5 Courage
  • Task 5: Attend Team Meeting
    • Location: Quidditch Changing Rooms
    • Requirements: 3 hours – 3/5 stars
  • Chapter Rewards: 300 Coins and 30 Dragon Club Experience Points

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(Disclaimer: Some of the tasks have different star requirements, depending on the Year you’re in. The following Walkthrough contains the images from Year 6, which pretty much has the highest requirements. Also, this Walkthrough will contain the images in which the protagonist’s house has won the Quidditch Cup. If you didn’t complete the Second Quidditch Cup adventure, some of the dialogues will be different, but all of the tasks will still have the same requirements.)

Once you start, it will be time to attend the Quidditch Cup ceremony. Proceed to Lower Floor – West when you are ready. Once you arrive, Orion will ask if you are ready to accept the Quidditch Cup.

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The following line will differ based on whether or not you won the Quidditch Cup during the previous season.

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Skye will express her gratitude for the chance to play in the final match and thank you for everything you’ve done for her, while Orion will agree, acknowledging that you kept the team together. Skye will appreciate your courage in standing up to her father, but you’ll mention that Rath was the one who suggested it, surprising her. However, she’ll start realizing that Erika isn’t as bad as she thought.

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Chapter 13 - The Way Forward | Hogwarts Cafe (4)

Orion will thank you once again for restoring the team’s balance, and shortly after, the Quidditch Cup ceremony will begin with Madam Hooch welcoming everyone. She’ll quickly get to the point and present the Cup to the Quidditch champions.

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Chapter 13 - The Way Forward | Hogwarts Cafe (6)

Moments later, a new set of decorations will appear to mark the Quidditch champions’ house.

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Shortly after, Madam Hooch will ask Orion to say a few words.

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Orion will thank every member of your team for being the key ingredient in your victory. He’ll also say that your friends and family played a huge role as well.

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In the end, he’ll express how honored he is for being able to take part in this achievement.

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Before long, everyone will start cheering loudly.

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Shortly after, Madam Hooch will wrap up the ceremony.

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Murphy will say that there’s a party all of you should be attending, and he’ll express curiosity about the maneuver you performed near the end of the final match. You’ll smile and tell him it was a Power Play. Speaking of Power Play, Ethan Parkin will approach you and praise your team’s performance.

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Skye will ask her father if he is planning on staying for a while longer, but unfortunately, he has to leave soon. However, before he does, he will tell Skye he is proud of her. Ethan will also promise to treat all of you to some ice cream next time you’re in Diagon Alley.

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You’ll definitely be up for it.

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Face Paint Kid will inform you that everyone is waiting for you in the Common Room. Proceed there when you are ready. When you arrive, you will be able to interact with some of your housemates and see what they have to say.

(The following section will differ significantly, based on whether you won the Quidditch Cup or not. However, the task requirements will be the same. Our Walkthrough will feature the part of the story in which your house has won the Quidditch Cup.)
Murphy will be very pleased to see you and your teammates arrive at the party.

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If this is your second Quidditch Cup, you’ll be sure to mention it.

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Orion will also say a few words.

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All of your teammates will happily cheer to that.

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Soon enough, you’ll get to enjoy the party. This requires earning five stars within three hours. Three stars are needed to pass.

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There is a bonus progress action linked to your character. Prioritize it if you want to save a bit of energy.

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Skye will approach you and ask for a moment of your time, thanking you for standing up to her dad. She will say you were always a good friend and a teammate. Regrettably, she’ll admit that she was neither of those things.

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She’ll ask if you think that she was a prat. There are two options to choose from.If you like Skye, it is recommended to go soft on her and pick the second option.Otherwise, feel free to go with either one.

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In any case, Skye will apologize to you for all the trouble she caused and promise to be better next season. Not long after the party is over, Penny will ask you to meet with her. There is a waiting period of three hours before you can do that. Since this chapter is not time-limited, it is recommended to wait.

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Once the waiting time is over, head to the Clocktower Courtyard to meet with Penny. When you arrive, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of the characters. Tap on those if you are interested to see what they have to say. You will find Penny, Andre, and Erika waiting for you. Penny will inform you that they were having a conversation about you.

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The following lines of dialogue will differ, based on whether or not you won the Quidditch Cup.

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You’ll ask if all of them watched the match. If Erika is your friend, she will be much friendlier than usual.

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As for Andre, he will point out that you played amazingly well, but you will be unsure if that is the case. Rath will openly state that you have potential. If the two of you are friends, you will get some additional lines of dialogue.

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Chapter 13 - The Way Forward | Hogwarts Cafe (32)

Penny will suggest talking about your Quidditch skills, and you’ll be interested to hear more. This requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

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The only bonus progress action here is linked to Andre. Prioritize his actions if you want to save some energy.

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After listening to their praises, you will wonder if your friends are exaggerating things.

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Andre will admit that you are still not as good as some of the professional Quidditch players.

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However, according to Penny, you are one of the best Quidditch players at Hogwarts. Erika will ask if you like it when other people compliment you. There are two options to pick from. These won’t have any big influence on the story, so feel free to choose the one you prefer.

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Rath will advise you to keep training if you want to improve as a player, but unfortunately, the season is over, so you can’t really ask the whole team to practice with you. However, Erika will suggest asking Skye to train with you.

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You will have to wait five hours until Skye is ready to practice with you. Once again, it is recommended to just wait for this timer to run out since this chapter is not time-limited.

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Head to the Training Grounds once the waiting time is over. When you arrive, you will ask Skye if she is ready to practice some Quidditch. Apparently, that’s exactly what her dad advised her to do, so she’ll definitely be up for it.

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Now that there’s no more pressure from her father, Skye can finally focus on flying, and she’ll ask if you are up for some friendly competition; nothing too serious, just a bit of a challenge. You’ll happily agree to it. Flying with Skye requires earning five stars within eight hours. All five stars are needed to pass.

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The only bonus progress action here is tied to your character. Focus on your own actions if you are looking to save a bit of energy.

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While flying, Skye will accidentally fall off her broom. You will rush to her side to see if she is all right.

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Thankfully, she won’t be injured, and she’ll cheerfully laugh about it.

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Unfortunately, she’ll have to take her broom for repairs before she can use it again, but interestingly enough, Skye will be pretty calm about it.

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She will use the opportunity to have a chat with you and ask if there is any special reason you wanted to practice. There are three options to choose from. None of these will have any significant impact on the story, so feel free to pick the option you prefer.

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Moments later, Murphy will arrive to inform you that Orion wants to see everyone in the Changing Room for an important announcement. Skye will smile cheekily, suggesting that she probably knows what this announcement is about, leaving you intrigued to hear more.

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However, you will have to hear it from Orion.

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You will then be tasked with completing two Quidditch friendlies.

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During these, you can feel free to select the position you prefer.

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As always, try your best to successfully complete all of the maneuvers to earn the rewards.

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When you are done, proceed to the Quidditch Changing Room to meet with your teammates. Upon arriving, you’ll be able to interact with some of your team members by tapping on the speech bubbles above them. Orion will gather the whole team and inform them it is time to say goodbye to your Keeper.

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Chapter 13 - The Way Forward | Hogwarts Cafe (54)

You’ll be very surprised to hear that.

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The Keeper will say that he’s done with his N.E.W.T.s, and he’ll soon be leaving Hogwarts.

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Your team captain will say that he wanted to gather all of you so that you could thank each other for your efforts this season, emphasizing it as a moment of unification rather than vivification, correcting your assumption.

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This requires earning five stars within three hours. Three stars are needed to pass.

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There is a bonus progress action linked to Orion. Focus on his actions if you want to save some energy.

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The Keeper will inform everyone that he recently received an owl from Ethan Parkin.

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Apparently, your former Keeper will start playing Quidditch professionally as a member of the Wigtown Wanderers, which brings joy to Skye. However, you’ll note that your team will now be without a Keeper, highlighting a potential challenge ahead.

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Orion will ask your former Keeper if there’s anyone he considers fit for the role. Without even a moment of hesitation, he will tell Orion you are the most suitable person for it.

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Needless to say, this will come as a surprise.

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He will point out that Bean is coming back to play Beater, which makes you an ideal candidate to fill the Keeper role.

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Orion will say a few more words before concluding the team meeting.

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This will mark the end of Season 2 Chapter 13 of Quidditch. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. You will receive 300 Coins and 30 Dragon Club Experience Points.

Another Quidditch season is behind you, but there are more to come. By the looks of it, you will most likely play Keeper during the next season. But will you be fit for the role? Do you have what it takes to be a good Keeper? Find out during the next season of Quidditch for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery!
Thank you for reading.

Part 2b

Chapter 13 - The Way Forward | Hogwarts Cafe (2024)


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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.